Bel in the Media


Bel Chellingworth is a sought-after speaker in the media on waste reduction and the circular economy. She appears regularly on the radio and in television interviews.

Affectionately known as a ‘Garbologist’ she inspires, entertains and educates audiences with her practical advice based on real world experience.

Some of her recent media appearances are shown below.

Reach out to Bel here to find out more.

Contact Bel
Belinda Chellingworth being interviewed on ABC Nightlife Radio
Belinda Chellingworth on The Morning Show Channel 7

Channel 7 - The Morning Show

My rubbish fits in Tupperware: Meet the woman who replaced her big bin with a food container



ABC News Interview

Expert Garbologist Giving Advice on Cutting Back Waste


ABC Radio Nightlife


Bel is Suzanne Hill’s regular guest, and resident Garbologist.
Join the two for chats, facts and giggles on all things waste and circular economy, whilst answering listeners’ burning questions.


>> Click on the image to go to the episode. <<

On the radio


Plastic Free July: it's free, it's easy, and it feels good!
2XXfm Radio Interview - Fri 19 Jul 2024
How to ditch your red bin
ABC Sydney Mornings Radio - Mon 7 Aug 2023
Reducing waste and questions from the community with expert Garbologist
ABC Nightlife Radio Interview - 3 Aug 2023

Recent articles

That's Life Article

Belinda swapped her big bin for a tupperware box - here's how you can too! 
Read here

Daily Mail Article

Expert talks about why she hasn't needed a red bin in years
Read here

ABC Article

'Garbologist' Belinda Chellingworth has so little waste she's ditched her landfill bin. Here's how


Read here
Bel in 1 Million Women

1 Million Women Article

‘Garbologist’ Belinda Chellingworth reflecting on Australia’s circularity journey


Read here