Case Study: Reuse Systems
Coffee Cups and Hospitality Packaging

Not those pesky single use coffee cups!

An estimated 1.84 billion single-use cups are used by Australians every year*

Single use packaging - cups, trays and containers used in hospitality and for takeaway, poses two big circularity challenges:

  • Every piece of packaging has an environment impact, requiring materials like tree fibre and plastic, water and fuel to manufacture and transport, to then be used for mere minutes
  • This packaging is rarely recyclable in our systems, commonly for these reasons; its design, materials used, food and liquid contamination, availability and dependency on correct use of recycling services

 Bel has piloted and implemented reuse solutions for business and government for over a decade. She understands common challenges; user perceptions, experience and behaviours, aesthetics, logistics and operations, and business case and costings development.

Want to know more?

If you'd like to explore how to set up Reuse Systems in your business, book a call with Bel and find out how she can help!

Contact Bel
The Cup Exchange

Coffee Cups 

530 Collins Street 

Bel worked with Property Services Manager, Melinda Quattrocchi at 530 Collins Street to pilot Australia’s first Office reusable coffee cup system, with The Cup Exchange (TCX), in 2018.

Wollongong Central Shopping Centre 

Bel worked with Wollongong Central Shopping Centre, and Green Caffeen, a reusable coffee cup system available in some cafes. She analysed how the system worked, worked with retailers on customer experience, formed strategy on how it could be expanded most affectively, and helped develop communications content, that was technically sound to promote to customers.

Takeaway Packaging

 Bourke and William (VIC)

Bel worked with the Office food court precinct, where Returnr, a reusable takeaway container system was available in some cafes. She analysed how the system worked, and helped develop communications content, that was technically sound to promote to customers.

Coffee Cups Collector


Working with System Suppliers 

Bel has an extensive history of collaborating with reuse system suppliers; who have all been created by entrepreneurs, rather than as a diversification of existing business. Bel has seen what works, but also, how some have been unsuccessful and unfortunately, exited the market over the years.

She has a good working knowledge of current suppliers, either through direct mentoring in their early incubator and scale up journey; industry events, or directly testing and working with the systems with existing property and cleaning services clients.

Communications to promote reuse 

Reuse, and its benefit, is not always well understood in the market, and is often confused with recycling. Bel has spent decades developing clear, and data driven communications for property owners and operators to effectively; including delivering the Sustainability Induction for all new staff at the London School of Economics, and coordinating, technical review and approvals of the GPT Groups’ (12 Premium Office Assets) communications on individual offerings, for Plastic Free July 2019.

Photo of Bel introducing the
Cercle coffee cup solution to
Glad Group Operations Managers
during On Site Training Session

Belinda Chellingworth at the Woodford Folk Festival
Belinda Chellingworth at the Woodford Folk Festival


Bel presented her findings and advice on implementing packaging reuse systems at the 2019 Waste Strategy Summit, in her abstract titled ‘Thinking outside the Cup’ – get in touch to learn more! 


Request a Talk

Carrie Hamilton GAICD | Policy Advisor

I thoroughly enjoyed Bel’s ‘Ask Anything’ session at the 2023 Woodford Festival in Queensland; she was amazing!

She enthusiastically fielded a huge variety of questions from the audience on all things circularity - everything from packaging to systems change to reuse options. Bel aced every question with brilliance, humour and facts, speaking with encouragement to those who were new to the subject and with custom resources she had at the ready.

We all learned heaps!