How to be a Garbologist – Top tips for beginners, and those well on their way at home circular economy food waste garbologist Aug 07, 2023

Anyone can be a garbologist – and we need you to be!

If you’re just starting out, I wholeheartedly welcome you to the fun and games. If you’ve been cutting back on your waste already – halllloooooooo my fellow garbologist, rock on you good thing.

Cutting down on your waste...

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How to ‘do Circular Economy’ with a Veggie Box at home circular economy food waste garbologist in business save money Feb 01, 2023

I first bought a veggie box to reduce my food miles. That was as far as my thinking went. Though I was surprised and delighted once purchased, and understood the full offering, how it helped me achieve my circularity commitments - explained within this article.

This particular service is a...

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Woman vs Celery – How to Prevent it Wasting Away at home celery food waste garbologist packaging reduce waste save money Nov 24, 2022

You bought the unpackaged celery! Yay. Go you good thing, but there's a few things to action now. 

This week down under, the National food waste summit is in action, following intense domestic focus on soft plastic.

Food waste and packaging are a conversation in tandem.

Buy sans packaging?...

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How to Reduce Soft Plastics at Home at home garbologist packaging reduce waste soft plastics Nov 16, 2022

Last week was a wake-up call, myself included.

I’ve relied on soft plastics recycling to 'offset' some of my purchasing habits and meet my own personal waste reduction commitments.

As devastated friends and family turned to me with that “what do I do now” look in their...

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How to do Brunch with a Circular Economy Attitude food waste garbologist on the go packaging save money Oct 25, 2022

We’re hearing ‘the circular economy’ a lot these days - it’s so hot right now. Whether popping up in your LinkedIn feed or touted on that product you just bought, my favourite topic is trending, big time.

But getting your head around what it actually is, and means, in...

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